This trigger prevents users from deleting Leads with a Status of “Working-Contacted,” ensuring that active leads are not accidentally removed.
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public class LeadTriggerHandler {
public static void handleActivitiesBeforeDelete (List<Task> leadRecords) {
for (Lead leadRec : leadRecords) {
System.debug(‘Found a lead’);
if (leadRec.Status == ‘Working-Contacted’) {
System.debug(‘Yes, it is in progress’);
leadRec.addError(‘You cannot delete a Lead in progress’);
public static void handle ActivitiesAfterInsert (List leadRecords) {
List taskListToInsert = new List ();
for (Lead leadRec : leadRecords) {
Task taskRecord = new Task();
taskRecord.Priority = ‘High’;
taskRecord.OwnerId = leadRec.OwnerId;
taskRecord.Description = ‘Follow up with the new lead’;
taskRecord.Status = ‘Not Started’;
taskRecord.Subject = ‘Follow up’;
taskRecord.WhoId = leadRec.Id;
insert taskListToInsert;