This trigger calculates and updates the Opportunity Amount when the Stage changes. The amount is derived from the Probability and Expected Revenue, ensuring accurate financial projections.
Learn more about triggers from this YouTube playlist.
public class OpportunityTriggerHandler {
public static void handleActivitiesBeforeUpdate (List<Opportunity> newRecords, Map<Id,
Opportunity> oldMap) {
//figure out if stage has been modified or not
//find the record from new list, compare and find the same record in old list and then check if stage
values are differ
//1 record-Opp1, Opp2, Opp3
for (Opportunity newOpp : newRecords) {
if (oldMap.get (newOpp.Id).StageName != newOpp.StageName) { newOpp.Amount = newOpp.Probability * newOpp.ExpectedRevenue;
public static void handleActivitiesAfter Update (List<Opportunity> newRecords) {
List taskListToInsert = new List();
for (Opportunity opp : newRecords) {
if (opp. StageName == ‘Closed Won’) {
//create a related record – Task record
Task taskRecord = new Task ();
taskRecord.Priority = ‘High’;
taskRecord.OwnerId = opp.OwnerId;
taskRecord.Description = ‘Please split the revenue amongst the team members’;
taskRecord.Status = ‘Not Started’;
taskRecord.Subject = ‘Split Revenue’;
taskRecord.WhatId = opp.Id;